Constructed and displayed during a six week residency at Phoenix Art Space, An Internet of Things sees Critchlow combine digital collage and sculpture. Elements such as chains, concrete, wood and plastic are used alongside various photographic prints, creating works that are in translation from the digital world to the physical. When printed, the many layers of the digital collage become a new surface to be manipulated once again.

An Internet of Things

(Left) An Internet of Things #4 (with a block on top), (right) An Internet of Things #9 (under tension)

An Internet of Things #2 (on wheels)

An Internet of Things #12 (with a dismantled frame and blank canvas)

Room One wide shot

An Internet of Things #1 and 3 (pushed together)

An Internet of Things #6 (supported)

Room Two wide shot

An Internet of Things #8 (wrapped around a pillar)